Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 19 Dec 1990

Vol. 404 No. 2

Report of Committee on Procedure and Privileges on Dáil Reform: Motion.

I move:

That the amendment to the Standing Orders of the Dáil relative to Public Business and the other matters recommended in the Report of the Committee on Procedure and Privileges on Reform of Dáil Procedure dated 18 December 1990, be adopted with effect from the first day on which the Dáil sits subsequent to the adjournment for the Christmas recess.

In relation to this matter a decision of the House earlier today rules out a debate on this issue but the point that needs to be made very forcibly on this issue is that we have also been denied the right to move an amendment in relation to this motion. It is an undemocratic procedure for the House to deny any Member the right to move an amendment. We have already made our protest on this issue on the Order of Business. We do not propose to press this matter to a vote at this point. It should be on the record that we should not allow the Government parties to deny members of the Opposition the right to move amendments to motions.

Even if they are taken without debate.

Acting Chairman

The question is——

We had Deputy O'Kennedy in here yesterday screaming about democracy.

Acting Chairman

Is the motion agreed?

The motion is not agreed. I am asking you to put the question.

Question put and declared carried.