Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 17 Apr 1991

Vol. 407 No. 1

Written Answers. - Cork Housing Scheme.

Gerry O'Sullivan


251 Mr. G. O'Sullivan asked the Minister for the Environment the reason for the delay in starting 12 houses at the Distillery Site, Thomas Davis Street, Blackpool, Cork, as submitted by Cork Corporation to his Department on 16th December 1988; and if he will outline when he intends to sanction same.

While Cork Corporation nominated the scheme of 12 houses at the Distillery Site as part of its new works programme for 1990, the corporation subsequently decided not to proceed with the scheme in 1990 and to compensate for this they increased Phase 1 of the South Douglas Road Scheme.

I understand that the corporation will be including the scheme in their 1991 new works programme and that revised plans of the scheme are being prepared by the corporation. There will be no avoidable delay in processing the scheme when submitted to my Department.
