Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 5 Jun 1991

Vol. 409 No. 4

Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers. - Social Welfare Offices Accommodation.

Joe Sherlock


14 Mr. Sherlock asked the Minister for Social Welfare the proposals he has to meet the commitment given in the Programme for Economic and Social Progress to modernise and improve accommodation and facilities for social welfare clients around the country; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

In reply to a similar question on 31 January 1991, I gave details of my Department's building programme to provide new offices and to improve existing offices in terms of facilities and privacy. I am glad to say that progress continues to be made on this programme.

Recently the final phase of the Letterkenny decentralisation project was completed with the transfer of the staff dealing with the treatment benefit scheme. Two other major projects completed in the past two years were the pensions services office in Sligo and the social welfare appeals office in Dublin — all offices of a very high standard.

Already this year, a new office has been opened in Limerick, bringing to 16 the number completed in recent years. Work on a new office at Ennis is nearing completion and is expected to be ready for fitting-out about the end of July. In addition, I expect that work on a new office at Finglas, Dublin will commence within the next few weeks. Planning for offices at Tallaght and Navan Road, Dublin and in Kilkenny is proceeding and I expect building work to start before the end of the year. New offices will also be provided in conjunction with the Government's proposed decentralisation projects at Wexford and Longford. In any other area where my Department have an office and where new decentralised premises are being constructed, I will where necessary, be seeking to have a new social welfare services office included in the plans. I am also considering proposals for other new offices to replace existing accommodation and extend services to new ones.

The building programme also includes refurbishment of existing offices, where appropriate, and to date ten projects have been completed. Work on the refurbishment of the office in Cavan is already underway and I expect that work on projects at Athlone, Carlow and Mullingar will start later this year.

I am determined that the progress already made in improving the standard of my Department's accommodation will be maintained and in this regard, the programme will be advanced as quickly as financial and technical resources will allow.

The 7,500 people who sign on at an eight-year-old prefab will be delighted that the Minister made reference to the Navan Road but, unfortunately, the work is not to start for some time. Queueing and the dole have become synonymous. Will the Minister make a determined effort to structure payments in such a way that people are not forced to queue, often in inclement weather during the winter months? Is the Minister aware of the need for privacy and that the offices should be provided with booths rather than hatches? This would give dignity and privacy to those unfortunate enough to be drawing payments. I am delighted that the social partners recognise the degree of dissatisfaction among those drawing dole payments. Will the Minister also extend his consideration to community welfare officers working for the health boards and dispensing social welfare money in the most Dickensian, dirty, backward, filthy and unhygienic conditions?

This is extending the question into another area appropriate to a different Minister.

Will the Minister take account of the fact that it is his Department's money which is being expended?

I take it the Deputy recognises that the funds expended by community welfare officers are administered by the health boards.

The money comes from the Department of Social Welfare.

The funds are administered by the health boards. This matter is not part of the question before us.

The Chair has already ruled on that matter.

Of course I want the best possible facilities everywhere. The health boards are the responsibilty of the Minister for Health and the social welfare offices are my responsibility. We have completed 16 new offices in recent years and work is continuing. Work at the Navan Road is to start before the end of this year. It is at an advanced stage of planning, as is the Tallaght office. All these offices have the most modern facilities to provide privacy for people using them. I hope that when we have modern offices we will get from Deputies opposite the support which the Department deserve for the work that has been done. There will be changes in the systems. We are providing a more personalised and faster service and we are advancing very rapidly with computerisation. This will give us options of various kinds. I hope when the day comes that we are opening one of these offices the Deputy will come and support us. Recently Deputy Byrne's party chose to put a picket outside when we were opening a new office with all the facilities for which the Deputy has been calling.


Unfortunately the time for questions has expired. The Ceann Comhairle indicated that Deputy Deasy was anxious to hear the reply to his question. If he is happy just to take the reply, we might hear it.

I was anxious to ask a supplementary on the last question.,

I will seek to raise the matter on the Adjournment tomorrow.
