Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 30 Oct 1991

Vol. 411 No. 7

Written Answers. - Clonakilty (Cork) School.

P. J. Sheehan


86 Mr. Sheehan asked the Minister for Education the progress her Department made in providing a new boys' national school for Clonakilty, County Cork; and if her attention has been drawn to the fact that almost 200 children are packed into five small classrooms in the present old schoolhouse, with inadequate ventilation, overcrowding conditions and no playground facilities.

A report on a projection of further enrolments in Clonakilty senior boys' NS is currently being examined in my Department with a view to considering a schedule of accommodation for the proposed new school. My Department will communicate with the school authorities on the matter at the earliest possible date.
