Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 12 Dec 1991

Vol. 414 No. 6

Written Answers. - Environmental Impact Studies.

Roger T. Garland


25 Mr. Garland asked the Minister for Finance whether the environmental impact studies for the Wicklow Mountains and Burren National Parks visitor centres will consider a full study of alternative sites; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

The sites for these proposed developments were chosen after careful consideration by the Office of Public Works. A number of possible locations was examined in each case and the Office of Public Works was satisfied that the sites chosen were the most suitable.

The scope of the environmental impact studies is to access the impact of the proposed developments in accordance with the relevant EC Directive on Environment Impact Assessment as effected by the relevant statutory regulations in Ireland. There is no requirement to carry out full studies on alternative locations. Indeed there is no requirement either to carry out an EIA on either of these developments. Both have been undertaken voluntarily in order to allay fears expressed by members of the public in relation to the proposed developments and to afford them an opportunity of commenting on same.

The environmental impact statement for the Wicklow National Park Visitor Centre has already been published and has dealt with the question of alternative sites and the criteria applied in the site selection process. It is not necessary or particularly useful to carry out full environmental impact studies on sites which were not considered suitable. The expense involved would be substantial.

The environmental impact statement for the Burren National Park Visitor Centre will also deal with the question of consideration of alternative sites and the selection criteria applied. A full study of any alternative site will only be carried out if the site currently being proposed is not satisfactory.
