Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 12 Mar 1992

Vol. 417 No. 3

Written Answers. - Rural Poverty Programme.

Dick Spring


26 Mr. Spring asked the Minister for Social Welfare whether any specific proposals exist for the Combat Poverty Agency to implement a programme of rural regeneration which would take into account the unique potential of the very young, the elderly and women in the home; and if no proposals are presently in existence, if he will provide a timetable for their initiation.

The Combat Poverty Agency undertakes a range of activities and research aimed at overcoming poverty, including poverty in rural areas. The agency's work in the period 1990-92 is focused around four main themes, namely access to income, unemployment, access to services and opportunities and community development.

During 1992 the agency will continue to give high priority to rural poverty. In particular it will continue to co-fund, support and evaluate the FORUM project in North West Connemara. This is a major pilot project in the Third EC Poverty Programme. It involves the statutory agencies and local community interests working in partnership in identifying and addressing the needs of the area. FORUM has already undertaken important research into rural poverty. It has also instigated a range of practical programmes for the elderly, women, young people, the unemployed and underemployed in the area. The total funding for the project is of the order of £1.8 million.
The agency will also develop further support and training for the community development projects funded under my Department's Community Development Programme. Six of the projects currently funded under the programme are in rural areas and a number of new rural projects will be set up under the programme in 1992. The agency also plans to develop support programmes for women's groups and particularly women's groups in disadvantaged rural areas. In regard to research the agency plans to give high priority in 1992 to research into rural poverty. During the year the agency plans to commission a companion volume to its report on urban poverty which will deal specifically with the issue of rural poverty.