Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 31 Mar 1992

Vol. 417 No. 9

Written Answers. - Exposure to Hazardous Substances Report.

Bernard Allen


329 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Labour if his attention has been drawn to a recent report (details supplied) that hundreds of Irish people who have gone to Holland to work in the Dutch flower industry may have been exposed to serious health hazards arising from the use of hazardous pesticides and disinfectants used by workers handling flower bulbs; and if he will intervene with the Dutch authorities to establish the seriousness of the situation.

FÁS placed a number of people in the Dutch bulb fields last year. These people were located in north Holland which was not one of the areas affected by the hazardous pesticides mentioned in the report to which the Deputy refers.

I understand that FÁS have requested a copy of the report prepared by the Dutch scientific institute on the problem and when this comes to hand FÁS propose to discuss the matter with the Health and Safety Authority.
I have asked FÁS to bring the possible health hazards to the attention of registrants seeking employment in the bulb fields. At the same time, a person's right to freedom of movement must be respected.
I am advised that the Minister for Social Affairs in Holland has banned the use of the two pesticides specifically mentioned in the newspaper report.