Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 7 Apr 1992

Vol. 418 No. 4

Written Answers. - Garda Court Attendance.

Michael Joe Cosgrave


101 Mr. Cosgrave asked the Minister for Justice if his attention has been drawn to the difficulties and time wasted by members of the Garda having to attend courts when only remands are being sought; and if he will review this situation with a view to amending the procedures involved and to improving the legal system.

It is my policy and that of the Garda authorities to maximise the amount of time which members of the Garda Síochána spend on outdoor operational Garda duties. As part of this policy, I am asking the Garda authorities to review all aspects of Garda attendance in court with a view to streamlining current court procedure in so far as gardaí are concerned and thereby reducing the amount of time which members spend in court.

One significant measure which has already been taken to minimise Garda attendance in court is the computerised scheduling of court cases so that cases dealt with by a particular garda are listed together for hearing as far as possible. Other measures include the new vehicle rectification scheme in the Dublin Metropolitan Area which allows motorists to repair vehicle faults within a specified period as an alternative to prosecution and attendance in court. I understand from the Garda authorities that 90 per cent of cases dealt with under this scheme do not come to court.
On the specific question of court remands, I am considering certain legislative proposals which would address this issue in terms of achieving savings in cost and Garda time in court.