Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 12 May 1992

Vol. 419 No. 5

Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers. - Review of the Programme for Government.

Proinsias De Rossa


2 Proinsias De Rossa asked the Taoiseach if, in regard to the provision made in the Review of the Programme for Government for the monitoring of the achievements of the objectives of the programme, he will outline the number of such reviews which have taken place; if it is intended to publish the findings of such reviews; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

A review as provided for in the revised Programme for Government of last autumn is currently in progress. Its purpose is simply to monitor implementation of the programme on a quarterly basis, and to report to the party leaders so that any necessary action may be taken. Announcements in relation to progress on particular items contained in the revised programme will be made by the Government from time to time.

Does the Taoiseach consider that it would be useful to make available the results of such a review to the Members of the House so that they may judge the degree to which the objectives are being achieved? I also ask the Taoiseach whether the decision not to proceed with elections to sub-county structures or even the establishment of such sub-county structures arose from the review to which he referred.

I have already said that the reviews will continue and that as decisions are reached — the progress of which will be monitored, I have no doubt, by Opposition Deputies — announcements will be made from time to time by the Government. In relation to the holding of elections for other bodies, which is what I think the Deputy was questioning, no decision has been made in that regard to date.

Is the Taoiseach aware that a statement was made that there will be no elections this year to the sub-county——

Yes, I made that statement in the House myself.

Yes, and that was part of the Programme for Government. I now ask whether that decision arose from a review of the programme and whether any other decisions contained in the programme are to be abandoned.

That decision was made because of time constraints and problems with the time being taken for progress.
