Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 23 Jun 1992

Vol. 421 No. 4

Written Answers. - Unemployment Benefit Recipients.

Michael Ferris


307 Mr. Ferris asked the Minister for Social Welfare if his attention has been drawn to (a) the widespread concern being expressed in Ardfinnan, County Tipperary, through the community council, following the recent visit by social welfare inspectors to the area and (b) the investigation procedure followed by the inspectors whereby no facility for privacy for those interviewed was provided with a resulting insult to the dignity of those being interviewed; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

I am aware that officers of a special investigation unit in my Department carried out routine investigations of unemployment payments recipients in Ardfinnan in the week commencing 18 May 1992.

Two officers attended at the Ardfinnan Community Hall on Tuesday morning, 19 May 1992, and accepted 177 unemployment payment dockets which would normally have been handed in at the local Garda station. In accepting the dockets the officers briefly spoke to all those who attended to verify that each person presenting the docket was the person named on it and each one understood and complied with the conditions for receipt of unemployment payments. Where it was considered necessary to go into detail regarding the person's entitlement a written request was issued to the person to attend for interview at Ardfinnan Community Hall, at a specified date and time.

Over two days, 20 and 21 May 1992, the two officers conducted 64 such interviews at the Community Hall. The interviewing was carried out in two separate rooms to ensure privacy and confidentiality. These officers operate under a written code of conduct, one element of which specifically relates to client privacy. The procedures followed are specifically designed with the dignity and privacy of the unemployed person in mind.

The work of these officers is an integral part of the necessary control measures for all the payment schemes administered by my Department. Entitlement to unemployment payments is subject to the conditions that a claimant must be unemployed, available for, capable of, and genuinely seeking employment. My Department must be satisfied that claimants continue to meet these conditions while they are in receipt of payment. For this reason all claims are subject to review from time to time.
No complaint has been received by my Department from the Ardfinnan Community Council or from any individual dealt with during these investigations.