Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 2 Jul 1992

Vol. 422 No. 1

Written Answers. - Lake Fishing.

Michael Moynihan


39 Mr. Moynihan asked the Minister for the Marine if he intends to ban gill netting for monk fish and to enforce the regulations for lake fishing which is a matter of serious concern for fishermen.

I am aware of the considerable increase in gill net activity by Irish fishermen this year and of the concern this has generated in some sections of the industry. This increase could have significant implications for the rational management and regulation of the hake and monkfish fisheries in particular.

In the light of this development, which has resulted in the increased exploitation of these species this year, I have taken steps to have the current management regime for these species reviewed as a matter of urgency. My principal objective is to ensure that these fisheries are exploited in a manner that ensures the optimum economic return to the fishing industry and the Irish economy as a whole while not endangering the long term health of the stocks.

As I have indicated in this House earlier this year, gill netting is an effective and selective method of fishing, which, when properly deployed, can contribute more to conservation than some other forms of fishing. Through its selectivity it allows undersized and immature fish to pass freely through the net, with larger fish only being caught. Generally fish caught in this way are in better condition than those caught in trawls.

At this juncture I am not in a position to indicate whether the interests of the fishing industry would be best served through the introduction of a ban on gill nets.

The Deputy's question is very relevant in the wider context of the EC Community. The fleets of a number of other member states, with rights to fish the species in question in Irish waters, are also practising this method of fishing. Should a ban on gill netting seem necessary arising from the current review being undertaken by my Department I will not hesitate in taking this matter up with the EC Commission with a view to having a community-wide ban imposed.