Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 4 Nov 1992

Vol. 424 No. 9

Written Answers. - Cantonisation of Bosnia.

Roger T. Garland


20 Mr. Garland asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs if, in relation to the peace talks on former Yugoslavia, the European Community proposes a bill of rights, proportional representation voting or the cantonisation of Bosnia; if so, if details were formulated of the way in which the borders of the cantons would be set out; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

A proposal of the Co-Chairmen of the International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia for a constitutional structure was made to the three Bosnian parties on 28 October. This will be the subject of intensive and almost certainly very difficult negotiations in coming weeks.

The proposal is based on the principles agreed by all parties at the Conference in London in August 1992. It also takes account of bilateral discussions on Bosnia-Hercegovina between the representatives of that Republic's three ethnic groups and the International Conference negotiators.
The constitutional proposal has very extensive safeguards on human rights. It envisages the inclusion in the Constitution of three categories of human rights: general human, especially civil and political rights; group and especially minority rights; and economic, social and cultural rights. These provisions would have an effect similar to that of a Bill of Rights.
On voting arrangements, it has been proposed that the Lower House of the Legislature will be composed of representatives elected on the basis of proportional representation in Bosnia-Hercegovina as a whole.
The parties have been asked to consider a constitutional structure for Bosnia-Hercegovina based on the concept of a decentralised state within its present international borders. Such an arrangement is considered essential to achieve a stable and viable solution that does not condone or accept the so-called ethnic cleansing which has taken place in that Republic.
A central government, with the responsibilities that are necessary to ensure the functioning of Bosnia-Hercegovina as a sovereign and independent state, is envisaged. The parties have also been asked to consider the subdivision of Bosnia-Hercegovina into between 7 and 10 provinces. The precise number is to be established by negotiation among the parties within the framework of the International Conference.
The delineation of boundaries of the provinces is also a matter for negotiations between the parties and the International Conference negotiators. It has been proposed that the boundaries should be drawn so as to constitute areas as geographically coherent as possible, taking into account ethnic, geographic, historical and communication factors, and also economic viability. It is envisaged that the provincial boundaries will be set out in the new Constitution for Bosnia-Hercegovina.