Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 6 May 1993

Vol. 430 No. 4

Adjournment Debate. - Abbeyfeale (Limerick) Group Water Scheme.

I have sought to raise this matter over the last few weeks and eventually I have been successful. I appreciate the Chair facilitating me as I know there is a lot of pressure in regard to the Adjournment, particularly since the abolition of the grievance procedure. I had an opportunity recently to speak privately with the Minister regarding some of the schemes which have been a cause for concern. In fairness we are of one mind in regard to the urgent necessity to provide piped water schemes. The scheme in Abbeyfeale is one of the largest schemes in County Limerick. Over a period there has been increased pressure to provide water.

I know the Minister has good news to announce on this issue. I welcome the decision of the Department of the Environment to allocate grant funding for this desirable project. It is extremely important for that hinterland because there is difficulty in relation to two adjoining villages of Mountcollins and Tournafulla who have an inadquate water supply. When this scheme goes ahead it will provide extra water for those locations.

I hope the other smaller schemes of five and ten participants in County Limerick at Dromtrasna, Ballinamona, Tireagh Cross-Belville and Ballingarry will get the green light. I would encourage the Minister when seeking EC funding to examine the overall group water schemes and try to secure as much finance as possible. The allocation in this year's budget of £2.5 million, with a carry over in demand of £1.5 million from last year, means that £1 million is totally inadequate to meet demands. As we approach the year 2000 everybody who wants a piped water supply should have it.

Wexford): I thank Deputy Finucane for raising this issue. The Abbeyfeale public water supply scheme was commissioned in 1988 with a design capacity to serve a substantial part of south-west Limerick. It currently serves Abbeyfeale and a large rural hinterland. The Caher group water scheme is providing a major part of the distribution system for the Abbeyfeale regional scheme.

Due to the need to cater for the water requirements of areas beyond the Caher catchment, such as Mountcollins and Tournafulla, Limerick County Council recommended the up-sizing of the group scheme distribution main to meet the additional downstream demand. Phase one of the group's water scheme is currently nearing completion and serves around 96 households and 38 farms. A grant of approximately £260,000 was allocated to the scheme. This included a special grant of £173,000 which was allocated some time ago to meet the cost of up-sizing the distribution main as recommended by the council.

Phase two of the Caher scheme will serve the area known as the Hill. It will serve an additional 70 households and farms and will go a long way towards completing the linkup with Mountcollins.

Extra reservoir and water main capacity over and above immediate group water needs is required in order to serve the Mountcollins area. This will add approximately £68,000 to the overall cost of the scheme.

Having examined the group's proposal I am satisfied that the design changes recommended by Limerick County Council offer the best solution to the long term water needs of the region. The Deputy will be pleased to know that approval has now been given for a group water scheme grant of £52,000 for this scheme together with a special contribution of £68,168 to meet the cost of the extra reservoir and watermain capacity as requested by the county council. My Department will be asking the group to commence work as soon as possible so that the bulk of the work can be completed before the end of the year. So far as the other issues raised by the Deputy are concerned, he can rest assured that we will make every effort to secure as much funding as possible, both from the Exchequer and from the EC, to continue with group water schemes.
