Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 20 May 1993

Vol. 431 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Defence Forces Promotion System.

Peadar Clohessy


3 Mr. Clohessy asked the Minister for Defence the measures, if any, he is considering by way of compensation for officers due to the new system of promotions in the Defence Forces, and the resulting radical alterations in the career expectations of many senior officers.

The Gleeson Commission, which examined the remuneration and conditions of service of the Permanent Defence Force, recommended that the selection of officers for promotion should be changed from a system based almost exclusively on seniority to a system based on merit. That recommendation is being implemented on a phased basis in consultation with the relevant representative association.

The new promotion system in its early phase affords special recognition to seniority and long service to ease the transition of the new system. The question of compensation does not arise. Any issues relating to promotion arrangements for officers may be discussed at the conciliation council for the permanent Defence Force.

Can the Minister say what progress has been made in establishing a new system of promotion for officers, in view of the fact that the present system is an interim one agreed with RACO?

The present system is a very good system which I strongly support. The Deputy referred to it as an interim system, but it should be given a chance to operate. This system is based on merit and not seniority. This system should be strongly supported not only by the Army but by other areas of the public service. I am not certain that the automatic promotion of someone because they have served a certain number of years in a particular position is in the best interests of what we seek to achieve, namely, the betterment of Departments or the cause one serves. This system should be let run for the time being and if there are any complaints about it I am sure PDFORRA and RACO will bring them to my notice. I have not heard anything from them to date in this regard. If the Deputy has information which I should know about I would be delighted to receive it.

The present promotion system is having the effect of reducing the age profile of the rank of colonel and increasing the age profile of the middle ranks of commandant and lieutenantcolonel. What measures will the Minister take to ensure that the proper age profile is maintained in these ranks?

There is a serious problem in relation to the age profile throughout all ranks in the Permanent Defence Force, officer rank NCO rank and so-called other ranks — I will have to think of a better word to describe these ranks. The Deputy's question is not unreasonable and I will have a look at it.
