Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 20 May 1993

Vol. 431 No. 2

Written Answers. - Proposed EC Fishing Controls.

Peadar Clohessy


42 Mr. Clohessy asked the Minister for the Marine if he will give details of the proposed new EC fishing controls; when it is expected they will come into effect; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

The Commission's proposal for a Council Regulation establishing a control system applicable to the Common Fisheries policy is intended to address the current control needs of the Community, in the light of the evolution of fisheries policy in recent years, the major decline in many stocks and the difficulties of ensuring adequate and uniform enforcement across the Community.

This very comprehensive proposal deals with all aspects of fisheries monitoring and surveillance, including the shortcomings of the current monitoring system which were identified in two reports submitted to the Fisheries Council of Ministers in the last few years. The more important aspects of the proposal related to:—

—the introduction of new control technologies, especially satellite monitoring and computerised data systems;

—the extension of the Commission's competence with regard to inspection and access to data in Member States;
—the provision of sanctions and penalty co-efficient for control infringements;
—the introduction of a one-net-rule which would prohibit the carrying of nets of different mesh sizes on board fishing boats;
—the application of the control regime to Community boats in third country and international waters.
In general, I welcome proposals that further effective supervision of fishing opportunities and safeguard the livelihoods of fishermen. A number of proposals require detailed examination and this is being pursued by the Department in the appropriate fora. Under the proposal the direct competence and operational tasks to control will remain with national authorities, with the Commission having supervisory powers in order to guarantee the efficiency and equity of the regime. This should assist a more uniform and transparent application of control measures in all member states.
The proposal which was discussed at the Fisheries Council on 18 March is still being examined at expert group level and will come up for further consideration at the Council scheduled for 24 June next. At this stage it is uncertain whether matters will have been advanced sufficiently to allow for its adoption at that Council. In any event, the Commission's intention is that most of the new Regulation should come into effect from January 1994. Certain elements and especially the introduction of new technologies would be introduced at later dates.