A total of £4.73 million of national lottery money was made available to my Department in 1993. The money has been used to fund a number of schemes of support for voluntary and community groups for which my Department is responsible, including:
—grants announced in the context of the Budget;
—a number of schemes of grants to support particular areas of voluntary and community work; and
—Community Development and Moneylending/indebtedness Programmes.
Information on how to access funding under the various headings is made widely available by my Department.
The Schemes of Grants to Voluntary Organisations, Grants to Locally-Based Women's Groups, the Respite Care Fund and the Lone Parents Grants Scheme are advertised in the national press. Full details of the scope of these schemes and how to apply are made available in information leaflets by my Department shortly. the course of the year. The 1994 application forms for these schemes will be available from my Department shortly. In addition, this year I propose to update and consolidate the information leaflets on the individual grant schemes into a comprehensive information booklet and guide to applicants.
Allocations under these schemes depend on the number and nature of the application received, with priority being given to areas and groups of greatest disadvantage. Applications are assessed having regard to the number of beneficiaries or participants involved in the project, the level of disadvantage experienced in the area or by the group, the funding available from other sources and the particular objectives and criteria attaching to the individual scheme in question.
Local assessment of applications is undertaken by my Department's Regional Managers, who consult as required with the local Health Board and other relevant agencies.