Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 8 Mar 1994

Vol. 440 No. 1

Written Answers. - County Donegal Pier.

Patrick D. Harte


95 Mr. Harte asked the Minister for the Marine if his attention has been drawn to the constant deterioration of the fenders on Rathmullan Pier, County Donegal; if his attention has been further drawn to the need to have new fenders provided which was recognised many years ago and to the fact that surveys have been carried out and promises made but, to date, no improvements have been carried out; and, in view of the serious situation which exists, he will order the immediate supply of suitable fenders.

Rathmullan Pier is in the charge of Donegal County Council which is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the structure. The Department of the Marine will, depending on funding available, provide assistance to local authorities for capital development projects in the fisheries interest. Aid will not be provided for normal maintenance works.

The Department is updating its Fishery Harbour Development Plan for the period 1994 through 1999. All maritime local authorities have been invited to make a formal submission to the Department detailing proposals for harbour developments in the fisheries interest. Donegal County Council's submission lists Rathmullan Pier as its first priority for development. The council's proposal includes strengthening the pier and providing a slipway at a cost of approximately £3 million.
In view of the level of funding which is likely to be available over the period of the plan, only the most economically and strategically beneficial projects will be undertaken. Therefore all proposals are being fully assessed by the Department. The inclusion of any project will be dependent on this assessment and on the agreement of the Commission of the European Communities who are subventing the plan's implementation. Until these matters are finalised I am not in a position to indicate what work can be undertaken at Rathmullan Pier.