Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 5 May 1994

Vol. 442 No. 4

Written Answers. - Fishing Licence Charges.

Paul McGrath


34 Mr. McGrath asked the Minister for the Marine the scale of charges for fishing licences in midland lakes and rivers; if children have to pay any charge; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

A licence is required to fish with rod and line for salmon or sea trout. The charges for the various categories of licence are as follows: Annual valid all districts, £25; 21 day valid all districts, £10; Annual district, £12; Annual juvenile, £8; one day, £3.

No licence is required to fish for trout or coarse fish. To fish for trout and/or coarse fish in the Shannon Fisheries Region north of Banagher and in the Northern Region it is necessary to hold a share certificate. In the southern portion of the Shannon Region the holding of a share certificate is optional. The charges for share certificates are as follows: Annual, £12; 21 day £5; 3 day certificate, £3.

It will be noted, therefore, that there is a reduced fee of £8, as opposed to the normal fee of £25, for an annual juvenile salmon and sea trout rod licence while persons under 18 or over 65 years, unemployed persons who receive social welfare assistance and persons in receipt of invalidity pensions are not required to hold a trout and coarse share certificate.

In addition to the State licences shown in the table above salmon and trout fishing permits apply in privately owned fisheries which have been leased to angling clubs or which are managed by the Shannon Regional Fisheries Board. The charges levied in respect of such permits vary from district to district and are a matter for the owners or managers of the fisheries concerned.