Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 25 May 1994

Vol. 443 No. 2

Written Answers. - Home School Liaison Teachers.

Tony Gregory


96 Mr. Gregory asked the Minister for Education if a date has been fixed for the allocation of home school liaison teachers; and if particular consideration will be given to a primary school (details supplied) in Dublin 7, in view of the large number of children from disadvantaged backgrounds in attendance there.

As stated in my announcement on the 1994 Education budget, I propose to allocate 15 additional co-ordinator posts to the home school community liaision service at primary level from September next.

These extra posts will facilitate a significant expansion of the service and the schools to be targeted will be selected from among those already included in the disadvantaged areas scheme.

The school referred to by the Deputy is already included in the disadvantaged areas scheme and as such, has been allocated a concessionary teaching post. It also receives additional capitation funding at a rate of £17 per pupil.

The process of selecting schools for inclusion in the expanded home school community liaison service is currently underway in my Department and I expect to be in a position to announce details of the schools selected shortly.
The needs of the school in question will be considered in the context of this expanded service.