Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 28 Jun 1994

Vol. 444 No. 5

Adjournment Debate Matters.

I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 20 and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputy Deasy — the continued interruption of transmission of RTE 1 and Network 2 signals in the west Waterford region, particularly in the towns of Cappoquin, Lismore and Tallow; (2) Deputy Crowley — the possibility of holding forth-coming elections on a Sunday in view of the fact that eight out of 12 EU countries vote on a Sunday; (3) Deputy Noel Ahern — the refusal of trade unions in Dublin Corporation to allow community employment schemes under the Programme for Competitiveness and Work; (4) Deputy Hogan — the need for immediate intervention in the TEAM Aer Lingus dispute in view of the deadlock which has arisen in recent days between the parties to the dispute; (5) Deputy Finucane — the need for a resolution of the dispute between the acting directors of community care and the health board as this is resulting in financial hardship as in the case of applicants for nursing home subvention; (6) Deputy Owen — the action taken since last Thursday to avert the crisis at TEAM Aer Lingus; the action now proposed to bring the crisis to an end and to restore the jobs of the 620 people laid off so far and to avoid further job losses on Friday as proposed, and (7) Deputy Deenihan — the urgent need to fill the child care assistant vacancy at Nano Nagle School, Listowel, County Kerry, which will result when the current assistant takes a career break next September.

The matters raised by the following Deputies have been selected for discussion: Deputies Noel Ahern, Crowley, Deasy and Deenihan.
