Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 2 Nov 1994

Vol. 446 No. 6

Written Answers. - Reserve Defence Force Vacancies.

Michael Bell


137 Mr. Bell asked the Minister for the Defence, in respect of FCA and Slua Muirí subunits, the numbers which have had subunit commanders prior to 19 August 1994 and which were not filled on 25 October 1994; the subunits concerned; the reasons for such vacancies existing for such a lengthy period; the criteria in making such appointments; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [2732/94]

Seventeen — 17 — subunits of the FCA had vacancies for subunit commanders on both of the dates specified. Eleven — 11 — of the vacancies were in the rank of commandant and six — 6 — in the rank of captain. The units involved are as follows:

Vacancies for Commandant

Vacancies for Captain

8 Infantry Battalion (2 posts)

11 Infantry Battalion

9 Infantry Battalion

15 Infantry Battalion

16 Infantry Battalion

16 Infantry Battalion

25 Infantry Battalion

18 Infantry Battalion

3 Field Artillery Regiment

19 Infantry Battalion

5 Field Signal Company

25 Infantry Battalion

4 Field Military Police Company

2 Field Medical Company

3 Field Medical Company

5 Field Medical Company

The criteria governing the promotion of officers of the FCA to the rank of commandant are as follows: 1. a minimum of three (3) years service in the rank of captain and a minimum of twelve (12) years service as an officer of the FCA; 2. have undergone annual training in four (4) of the preceding six (6) years; 3. possess a genuine sense of dedication to the well-being of the force as illustrated by: (a) attendance record at training sessions, (b) involvement in on-duty and off-duty activity, (c) interest in selfare of individual members, (d) active interest in recruitment, (e) ready acceptance of responsibility in administrative matters, (f) active engagement in the preparation of training plans, (g) high standard of discipline and conduct, (h) example given to subordinates; and 4. be recommended by the Unit OC, Brigade OC and by the General Officer Commanding the command concerned as suitable for and competent to hold senior rank.
The criteria governing the promotion of officers of the FCA to the rank of captain are as follows: 1. a minimum of five (5) years service in the rank of lieutenant; 2. a satisfactory conduct rating in each of the preceding five (5) years of service: 3. have undergone annual training in three (3) of the preceding five (5) years; and 4. be recommended by the Unit OC, Brigade OC and by the General Officer Commanding the command concerned as suitable for promotion.
The question of filling the vacancies listed above is being examined by the military authorities.