Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 22 Feb 1995

Vol. 449 No. 5

Written Answers. - Light Goods Vehicle Statistics.

Noel Davern


78 Mr. Davern asked the Minister for the Environment the number of light goods vehicles subject to testing in County Tipperary; the number of these vehicles which are actually tested at authorised light goods vehicles testing centres in County Tipperary; and his views on whether there is need for the establishment of additional authorised testing centres for light goods vehicles in County Tipperary. [4113/95]

Biennial compulsory road-worthiness testing of light goods vehicles over 4 years old was phased in over the period 1993-94. The lastest available statistics relate to 1993. These show that the number of such vehicles registered in County Tipperary which were subject to testing in 1993 was 1180 and that 1236 tests were carried out in the course of the year at test centres in the county. Some vehicles would have undergone more than one test, due to initial failure. Some vehicles registered in other licensing authority areas would have been tested in County Tipperary, and vice versa.

The appointment of test centres is a matter for the local licensing authorities in County Tipperary and one in which I have no function.
