Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 30 May 1995

Vol. 453 No. 6

Written Answers. - Road Signposts.

Séamus Hughes


62 Mr. Hughes asked the Minister for Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht if he will have arrangements made for the erection of direction signs at the junction of the Glenamoy/Rossport Road and Barhauve cross-roads to assist the public in finding Druid Circle at Rossport, County Mayo, a site included in the Office of Public Works' listed sites and monuments record for County Mayo. [9744/95]

There are no funds available in 1995 for the erection of direction signs for the Druid Circle at Rossport, County Mayo. The erection of signs to the site will be considered in any programme of sign-posting that may be undertaken in the future.
