Recent reports from the World Meterological Organisation, which indicate a continuing depletion of ozone layer over Antartica, further underline the need for intensified international action on the control of ozone depleting substances. The EU and its member states, including Ireland, have been taking a lead in seeking international agreement for stricter controls on these substances.
The seventh meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, which is due to be held in Vienna from 5-7 December 1995, will review progress with the implementation of the Protocol and consider, inter alia, stricter measures in regard to methyl bromide and HCFCs. I intend to lead the Irish delegation at this meeting and, in consultation with my EU colleagues, I will support the intensification of action to deal with depletion of the ozone layer.
The Montreal Protocol, to which both Ireland and the EU are parties, provides for the phase-out of the production and use of ozone depleting substances. In addition the European Union adopted a regulation in December 1994 providing for stricter control and faster phase-out of the production and use of these substances within the EU. The table below gives details of the phase-out dates involved:
Phase-out Dates of Controlled Substances