Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 30 Jan 1996

Vol. 460 No. 6

Written Answers. - Cork Water Schemes.

Máirín Quill


158 Miss Quill asked the Minister for the Environment when approval will be given to the Lee road waterworks improvement scheme in view of the fact the preliminary report is with his Department since March 1993; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [2047/96]

Máirín Quill


159 Miss Quill asked the Minister for the Environment when his Department will make a decision to sanction phase 2D of the railway yard scheme; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [2048/96]

Máirín Quill


160 Miss Quill asked the Minister for the Environment when sanction will be given for a standby generator at the Lee road waterworks to cater for emergency power supply being an essential measure to protect against any power interruption that might create an emergency in Cork city. [2049/96]

Máirín Quill


161 Miss Quill asked the Minister for the Environment when his Department will approve phases 3 and 4 of the Glen Bride and Kiln River drainage scheme, Cork, to enable work to proceed from the brewery corner to Blackpool, Cork. [2051/96]

Máirín Quill


162 Miss Quill asked the Minister for the Environment when his Department will approve a scheme designed to relieve persistent flooding at Ballyvolane Cross, Cork city in view of the fact that this scheme was submitted by Cork Corporation in March 1990; and his views of whether it is essential that approval be forthcoming without further delay. [2052/96]

Máirín Quill


163 Miss Quill asked the Minister for the Environment when his Department will approve an extension of the Old Whitechurch and Mallow Road drainage scheme, Cork which will cost £160,000. [2053/96]

I propose to take Questions Nos. 158 to 163, inclusive, together.

While proposals for all of these schemes are with my Department, I cannot, in view of the existing level of commitments under the water and sewerage programme, indicate when it may be possible to approve the schemes.
