Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 30 Jan 1996

Vol. 460 No. 6

Written Answers. - Primary School Facilities.

Mary Coughlan


166 Miss Coughlan asked the Minister for Education the number of primary schools which have no general purpose rooms of an adequate size for indoor physical education activities. [1739/96]

My Department is at present compiling survey information on the facilities available in primary schools. Of 2,860 schools that have responded to the survey, 1,492 have a general purposes room. While my Department does not have information on the size of the rooms, 75 per cent of those surveyed said they were satisfied with the facility.

Mary Coughlan


167 Miss Coughlan asked the Minister for Education the total expenditure for primary level in-service education for 1996. [1740/96]

The 1996 estimate for In-Career Development is £6,336,000. This covers the primary and post-primary sectors, parents, adult education, Youthreach, travellers, PLCs, special and remedial education and the running costs of the education centre network.

The allocation for inservice is programme driven in accordance with the objectives agreed with the European Commission under the Human Resources Operational Programme. In line with this, a range of the activities and programmes supported is cross-sectoral. Funding is not allocated on a sectoral basis. Accordingly, as I indicated in my reply to the Deputy on 8 November last (Questions Nos. 62 and 125), it is not possible to identify separately the total amounts relating to the primary and post-primary sectors.
