Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 6 Feb 1996

Vol. 461 No. 1

Written Answers - Medical Cards.

Michael P. Kitt


92 Mr. M. Kitt asked the Minister for Health the plans, if any, he has to introduce an exemption on the means for assessing income for medical cards for applicants for the REP scheme similar to the means assessment for these applicants on unemployment assistance. [2489/96]

Limerick East): Under the Health Act, 1970, medical cards are issued to persons who, in the opinion of the chief executive officer of the appropriate health board, are unable without undue hardship to provide general practitioner services for themselves and their dependants.

Income guidelines are drawn up by the chief executive officers to assist in the determination of a person's eligibility and these guidelines are revised annually in line with the Consumer Price Index. However, these guidelines are not statutorily binding and even though a person's income exceeds the guidelines, that person may still be awarded a medical card if the chief executive officer considers that the person's medical needs or other circumstances would justify this. Assessment procedures are also a matter for the chief executive officers.

A working group on medical card eligibility has been established by the chief executive officers and this meets regularly to ensure uniformity and consistency in all areas as regards assessment of the income of medical card applicants. The method of assessing farmers is among the matters currently being considered by the group and any adjustments which may be considered necessary to this method will be made.