Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 8 May 1996

Vol. 465 No. 1

Written Answers. - Housing Regulations.

Noel Dempsey


105 Mr. Dempsey asked the Minister for the Environment the revenue that will be earned from the implementation of the registration provisions of the Housing (Registration of Rented Houses) Regulations, 1996. [9036/96]

Noel Dempsey


106 Mr. Dempsey asked the Minister for the Environment whether the revenue raised from the implementation of the registration provisions of the Housing (Registration of Rented Houses) Regulations, 1996 is to be allocated towards the costs of local authority services; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9038/96]

I propose to take Questions Nos. 105 and 106 together.

It is not possible, at this stage, to forecast the amounts which will accrue to local authorities from fees under the Housing (Registration of Rented Houses) Regulations, 1996 as data is not available on the precise number of houses to which the Regulations apply. The fees will generate an income for local authorities to assist them in enforcing, in a pro-active manner, compliance with the various statutory requirements in regard to private rented accommodation, including rent books and minimum physical standards of accommodation.

Ben Briscoe


107 Mr. Briscoe asked the Minister for the Environment the organisations with whom he had consultations in the preparation of the Housing (Registration of Rented Houses) Regulations 1996; and the nature of these consultations. [9039/96]

The following organisations were consulted by way of meetings and correspondence: County and City Managers Association, Institute of Professional Auctioneers and Valuers, Irish Auctioneers and Valuers Institute, Irish Property Owners Association, Society of Chartered Surveyors, Threshold.
