Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 6 Jun 1996

Vol. 466 No. 5

Written Answers. - Drug Education and Health Promotion Measures.

Eric J. Byrne


90 Mr. E. Byrne asked the Minister for Health the plans, if any, he has to develop targeted drug education and health promotion measures for inner city areas of Dublin and other high risk areas; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11898/96]

I am very aware of the value of relevant drug education. The Health Promotion Unit of my Department is involved in the development and dissemination of a wide range of substance abuse prevention programmes targeted at selected groups. These include:

Drug Questions Local Answers — a community based training programme which examines drug problems at local level and seeks to provide local answers.

Parent Education on Alcohol, Drugs and Family Communication — a programme developed by the Health Promotion Unit with the Cork Social and Health Education Project of the Southern Health Board, which aims to enhance the skills and personal attributes of parents and their children with a view to the long-term prevention of drug and alcohol misuse.

Solvent Abuse — a programme developed in association with the National Youth Council of Ireland, which aims to assist young people in personal skills development thereby enabling them to be informed and decisive in relation to solvent abuse offers. It is suitable for use by the informal education sector such as youth and community leaders and also in the formal education sector, special schools and by the juvenile liaison scheme of the Garda Síochána.

"On My Own Two Feet"— a programme developed in conjunction with the Psychological Service of the Department of Education with assistance from the Mater Dei Counselling Centre. It is a comprehensive drug education programme, with the overall aim of enabling students to develop their ability to make informed decisions about the use of drugs in their lives.

The Health Promotion Unit also develops and distributes a wide range of materials for both the professional and the general public, including leaflets, videos and posters. The literature and posters are available free of charge from the unit's public office, and the videos are available on a two week loan basis.
The drug awareness campaign of my Department is not just about highlighting the dangers of drug abuse, but also about giving people the opportunity to develop and practise the skills necessary to resist pressures to use various substances of abuse.
My Department is in discussion with the Department of Education and the Eastern Health Board concerning the development of further targeted drug education and health promotion measures for inner city and high risk areas. In developing such education regard must be had not only to the content, but also to the most appropriate format of the programme and the most effective channels of dissemination.
The Eastern Health Board will shortly appoint a drugs education officer who will be particularly involved in developing initiatives with groups in high risk areas.