Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 3 Jul 1996

Vol. 468 No. 1

Written Answers. - Dublin 4 Residents' Association.

Eoin Ryan


184 Mr. E. Ryan asked the Minister for Social Welfare whether he has received a request to meet the Canon Mooney Gardens Residents Association, Ringsend, Dublin 4; and if so, whether he will meet this group. [14581/96]

I have received a request to meet with this group. The request is in relation to matters arising from a local social housing project, specifically the question of construction of a day care centre. I understand that a site for the social housing project was provided by Dublin Corporation, who also waived a charge of £55,000 for diversion of a water main. The diversion was required to allow the construction to go ahead.

While my Department provides funds for the Ringsend Action Project, who initiated the social housing project concerned, under the community development programme, my Department was not involved in the social housing project, or in the question of whether a day care centre should be constructed as part of that project. The conditions under which the site was made available and any understanding about what else would be provided as part of the work are not matters in which my Department had any involvement, I understand that there have been a number of efforts by members of the clergy and public representatives locally to try and resolve this issue and that the matter was appealed to an Bord Pleanála. I do not think that a meeting with me would serve any useful purpose. I have, however, asked my Department to explore whether it would be worthwhile offering a further independent mediation service to both sides in this case.