Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 3 Jul 1996

Vol. 468 No. 1

Written Answers. - Dublin Bay Dumping.

Ivor Callely


32 Mr. Callely asked the Minister for the Marine the level, volume and type of waste currently authorised to be dumped at sea; the effects, if any, such sewage sludge dumping in Dublin Bay may have on swimming and bathing areas; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [14365/96]

Ivor Callely


233 Mr. Callely asked the Minister for the Marine the condition of the former sludge dump-site two miles off Howth Head; the level of recovery obtainable; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [14522/96]

I propose to take Questions Nos. 32 and 233 together.

Only dredge spoil and natural material such as sand, gravel and rock, fish waste and sewage sludge (in the case of Dublin) are permitted under dumping at sea legislation. I am arranging to have a detailed list of all permits which are currently in existence circulated in the Official Report.

Dublin Corporation currently holds an annual permit granted by my Department permitting the disposal of up to a maximum of 340,000 tonnes of sewage sludge at sea during 1996 with a maximum of 2,000 tonnes to be dumped per day. Three trips are normally made to the site per week with approximately 2,000 tonnes being disposed of on each trip. The dump site is located some 14 miles south-east of the Kish Lighthouse well away from Dublin Bay.
In March 1991, following extensive scientific studies, the site used by Dublin Corporation for the disposal of sewage sludge was relocated from its previous location two miles off Howth Head to a new site south-east of the Kish Lighthouse about ten to 14 miles offshore. Some localised environmental impact had been identified in the vicinity of the old site.
Monitoring of the status of the new sewage sludge dump site and the recovery status of the old dump site close to Howth Head was carried out in 1993. At the new dump site the monitoring revealed that there was no significant impact on the sediment fauna in the area, reflecting the dispersive nature of the dump-site, while at the old dump site the monitoring revealed an increase in the number of benthic faunal species in the area, suggesting good recovery. According to international practice, monitoring of such sites is recommended at approximately five year intervals and the sites will be fully resurveyed in 1998. Under present disposal conditions environmental problems are not anticipated, however, I am arranging for an interim survey of both sites next year.
Because of the distance of the current dump site from bathing areas the dumping of the sludge has no impact on bathing areas.
This is the only authorised dumping of sewage sludge at sea in Ireland. The new Dumping at Sea Act, 1996 prohibits such dumping with effect from 31 December 1998. This is in line with the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment (OSPAR). Dublin Corporation's plan for alternative disposal methods has been approved by the Department of the Environment and work on the implementation of the plan to switch to land based disposal after 31 December 1998 is on target.

Permit Holder

Description of Material

Quantity to be Dumped (Tonnes)


Malahide Marina Village Ltd.

Dredge Spoil


Dublin (35 km offshore)

Malahide Marina Village Ltd.



Donabate (Beach nourishment site)

Drogheda Harbour Commissioners

Dredge Spoil



Limerick Harbour Commissioners

Dredge Spoil



Cork Harbour Commissioners

Dredge Spoil



Dublin Port and Docks Board

Dredge Spoil



Department of the Marine (Engineering) Burtonport

Dredge Spoil


Burtonport Harbour

Department of the Marine (Engineering) Burtonport

Dredge Spoil



Sofrimar Ltd.

Fish shells and fish offal


Kilmore Quay

Tralee and Fenit Pier and Harbour Commissioners

Dredge Spoil


Fenit Harbour

Dublin Corporation

Sewage Sludge



ESB (Tarbert Generating Station)

Dredge Spoil



Cork Corporation

Dredge Spoil


Cork (Lee Tunnel)

Cork Corporation

Dredge Spoil


Cork (Lee Tunnel)

Department of the Marine Engineering

Granite Rock


Tory Island
