Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 3 Jul 1996

Vol. 468 No. 1

Written Answers. - Waterford Memorial Grant.

Austin Deasy


37 Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for the Marine if he will make a grant available to the committee that is erecting a memorial at the Mall, Waterford, in memory of the 83 crew members of the merchant ships, SS Formby and the SS Coningbeg, both of which operated out of Waterford Port and were lost at sea in December 1917, when the ships were torpedoed by German submarines off the south-east coast. [13191/96]

I have not to date received any request in relation to the issue raised by the Deputy. The Deputy will appreciate that in the absence of such request I am not in a position to give a definitive response to his question.

While the Department's budget allocation does not specifically include funds for projects such as this, I would, on receipt of a formal communication in this case, be prepared to arrange to have the details of any proposal examined by the Department.
