Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 25 Sep 1996

Vol. 469 No. 1

Written Answers. - Health Service Priorities.

Mary Wallace


264 Miss M. Wallace asked the Minister for Health if he will outline his priorities for the development of the health services in the next 12 months. [16897/96]

Limerick East): Development of the health services in the next 12 months will focus on the further implementation of the health provisions contained in this Government's programmme for renewal including the continued implementation of the health strategy, and the accompanying four year plan, which has been endorsed by this Government as the basis for its programme in the health area.

As the Deputy is aware this covers a wide range of service areas. My particular priorities include: full implementation of the Child Care Act, 1991, by the end of the year and commencement of implementation of the Child Care Programme 1996-99 recently approved in principle by the Government; publication of a national cancer strategy and publication of a five year plan for the development of services for persons with a mental handicap.

Other priorities will derive from the main theme of the health strategy which is the reorientation of the system towards improving the effectiveness of the health and personal social services by reshaping the way that services are planned and delivered.
