Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 15 Oct 1996

Vol. 470 No. 1

Written Answers. - Residential Care Places.

Seán Haughey


164 Mr. Haughey asked the Minister for Health if he has satisfied himself with the number of residential-respite care places and day service places currently provided for the mentally handicapped; the progress, if any, being made in this area; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [18485/96]

As the Deputy is aware, substantial additional funding has been made available in recent years for the development of services to persons with a mental handicap. Additional funding of £56.8 million was invested in the services in the period 1990-96 which has enabled health boards to put in place over 1,000 additional residential-respite places and 2,300 day care places.

I am satisfied that this additional annual funding has made a significant impact on the number of persons with a mental handicap awaiting services. However, I am aware that more needs to be done. The Government is committed under both the health strategy document Shaping a Healthier Future and A Government of Renewal to the continued development of the service as resources become available. The commitment is reflected in my decision, with my colleague Minister Noonan, to prepare a five year service development plan based on the need for additional residential-respite and day care places identified by the Irish Intellectual Disability Database. The plan will be ready later this year.
