Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 17 Dec 1996

Vol. 473 No. 1

Written Answers. - Waste Management Policy.

Trevor Sargent


204 Mr. Sargent asked the Minister for the Environment how he has exercised his responsibility under section 36(1), (2)(e) and (2)(f) of the Waste Management Act, 1996 in relation to the transport abroad, if any, of container loads of infected clinical waste in ordinary roll-on roll-off car ferries. [24683/96]

I refer to the reply to Question No. 112 of 13 November 1996 which sets out the regulatory regime primarily applicable to the carriage on marine vessels of dangerous or polluting goods, including waste. In view of these existing provisions, and of relevant existing provisions also contained in European Council Regulation 259/93, supplemented by the European Communities (Transfrontier Shipment of Waste) Regulations, 1994, I have no immediate proposal to make regulations under section 36 of the Waste Management Act, 1996 in relation to this matter.
