Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 17 Dec 1996

Vol. 473 No. 1

Written Answers. - Credit Cards.

Michael P. Kitt


72 Mr. M. Kitt asked the Minister for Finance the estimated number of persons in Ireland with credit cards and laser cards. [24393/96]

I am informed by the Revenue Commissioners that the total yield from stamp duty on credit cards in 1996 was £7.94 million. However, as the annual charge is £15 per account, this implies 529, 175 accounts. As more than one credit card can be issued on an account it is not possible to state definitively the number of persons in Ireland with credit cards.

I would like to point out that under section 17, Finance Act 1981, a credit card is a card issued by a bank. Charge cards are issued by promoters, for example Diners Card, and have not been included in the above figures as the Deputy sought information in relation to credit cards only. In addition there are also in-store cards which are offered by various retail outlets and given that these in-store cards are not liable to stamp duty, we have no data on these type of cards.

As regards the number of persons with laser cards, I understand that about 200,000 cards have been issued to date.
