Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 23 Jan 1997

Vol. 473 No. 5

Written Answers. - EU Telecommunications Services.

Pat the Cope Gallagher


174 Mr. Gallagher (Donegal South-West) asked the Minister for Transport, Energy and Communications the Government's current position regarding European proposals to liberalise telecommunication services in the EU; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [1890/97]

As the Deputy is aware the deadline for liberalisation of telecommunications services in most member states is 1 January 1998. Ireland, Greece, Spain, Portugal and Luxembourg were given the opportunity to avail of derogations from this timetable.

Agreement has now been reached with the Commission on the date of 1 January 2000 for full liberalisation of the telecommunications sector in Ireland. This will be achieved on a phased basis with alternative infrastructure being liberalised on 1 July 1997, international interconnection of mobile networks being opened up on 1 January 1999 and full liberalisation on 1 January 2000 when voice telephony will be liberalised. This is in line with the Government's decision on the liberalisation timetable.

At European level the Council and Parliament are examining a series of Commission proposals which together constitute the regulatory framework for a liberalised market.

The measures which remain to be adopted by Council and Parliament and their current status is as follows:

Licensing of telecommunications services

Political agreement was reached at the September Council on a common position on the draft Directive on a common framework for general authorisations and individual licences in the field of telecommunications services. The purpose of this Directive is to ensure a harmonised approach to licensing throughout the European Union and in particular to preclude the use of licensing procedures as a barrier to market entry.

Satellite Personal Communications Services

Political agreement was reached at the September Council on a common position on the draft Decision on action at Union level in the field of satellite personal communications services in the European Union. This draft decision concerns the licensing of systems based on emerging technologies to enable the provision of handheld, mobile satellite telephone services. The objective is to ensure that the same systems are licensed throughout the European Union in order to enable pan-European operability for individual users of such telephones.

Open Network Provision — Framework and Leased Lines Directives

A common position was formalised in relation to the draft Directive amending the Council Directives 90/387/EEC and 92/44/EEC for the purpose of adaptation to a competitive environment in telecommunications. Political agreement on the substance of the common position was achieved by the Italian Presidency in early 1996. The purpose of this Directive is to update the provisions of Directives adopted in the early stages of liberalisation of telecommunications which imposed obligations in relation to the provision by monopoly telecommunications operators of network access by competing service providers. The main provisions concern the imposition of obligations on dominant rather than monopoly operators and the establishment of measures to ensure the independence of national regulatory authorities.
Interconnection Directive
The draft Directive on interconnection in telecommunications with regard to ensuring universal service and interoperability through application of the principles of open network provision contains measures to ensure the interconnection of networks and services of competing operators in a liberalised environment. It also contains provisions in relation to the financing on an equitable basis of the costs of universal service formerly carried by monopoly operators. Progress was achieved on preparation for conciliation with the European Parliament in order to facilitate final adoption of the Directive at an early stage during the Dutch Presidency.
Directive on voice telephony and universal service
Progress was achieved on the initial readings of the draft Directive on the application of open network provision to voice telephony and on universal service for telecommunications in a competitive environment giving rise to political agreement at council on a number of key issues arising in the Directive. The Directive aims to ensure the availability throughout the European Union of high quality telephone services and to ensure that all users, including consumers, have access to a defined set of telephone services at affordable prices. The progress achieved should facilitate the adoption of a common position at the first Council during the Dutch Presidency.
Trans-European Networks in Telecommunications
Substantial progress was made in informal discussions with the European Parliament by way of preparation for conciliation on the draft Decision on a series of guidelines for trans-European telecommunications networks. The decision should now be adopted at an early stage during the Dutch Presidency.
Ireland has no major difficulties with the main principles underpinning the various instruments. Indeed we fully support the Commission's various initiatives as essential measures to ensure that a genuinely competitive market develops following the removal of the remaining barriers to market entry. The Government's primary concern is to ensure the maximum clarity and competitive balance between existing and new operators in the emerging regulatory framework.