Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 27 Feb 1997

Vol. 475 No. 6

Written Answers. - Drug Awareness Programme.

Brian Lenihan


119 Mr. Lenihan asked the Minister for Education the proposals, if any, there are to increase the Drug Awareness Programme in the primary and secondary schools sector; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [5504/97]

The commitment to provide education on the misuse of drugs was set out clearly in the White Paper on education, "Charting our Education Future", chapter 13 of which is devoted to the role of schools in promoting health and well-being. Among its other recommendations, this chapter states that programmes relating to the misuse of tobacco, alcohol and other substances are to be developed in schools.

This policy is already being put into place in both primary and second level schools through the promotion of awareness in, and the provision of information to, school management, teachers and parents; the provision of programmes for schools, including resource materials and training for teachers; particular interventions in areas where it is known that there is a high incidence of substance misuse.

At second level, the substance misuse education programme, "On My Own Two Feet", which was launched in 1994, continues to be disseminated. By the end of the current school year, all second level schools will have had the opportunity to participate in this programme. The materials used in the programme are being revised at present in the light of feedback from teachers and training for teachers in the programme will continue next year.

The substance misuse prevention programme for primary schools continues to be developed. A set of educational resource materials has been prepared for use in all classes and information booklets for schools and for parents on substance abuse prevention are in preparation. The pilot phase of the programme, including training of teachers, is currently under way in 27 schools. When the pilot phase is complete, the materials will be disseminated to all primary schools in the priority areas — areas identified by the ministerial task force on measures to reduce demand for drugs — and thereafter to all primary schools on a priority basis.

Finally, training modules on substance abuse are being arranged for teacher counsellors and for home school liaison co-ordinators in the priority areas.
