Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 27 Feb 1997

Vol. 475 No. 6

Written Answers. - Mobile Telephony Facilities.

Noel Davern


44 Mr. Davern asked the Minister for Justice the level of consultation, if any, which took place between her Department and people living near Garda sites and masts where East Digifone have been granted permission to locate its equipment; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [5421/97]

The position in relation to this matter is as follows. Esat Digifone, the second licensed mobile telephone operator, approached the Garda Síochána with a proposal to co-locate mobile telephony equipment on Garda radio masts or sites on the basis of paying the full rental value of the sites and providing facilities and services to the Garda Síochána which would be of significant operational and strategic value to them. The Government has approved the proposal subject to the finalising of an agreement which will take account of all legal and planning requirements as appropriate.

The agreement proposed with Esat Digifone on the use of Garda facilities which will require them to comply fully with planning requirements, health and safety legislation, the Radiological Protection Act and all relevant guidelines which may be set down from time to time by the International Radiation Protection Association is designed to ensure full protection to the public. In that situation, the question of my Department engaging separately on a consultative process of the kind suggested by the Deputy, does not arise.
