Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 12 Mar 1997

Vol. 476 No. 3

Written Answers. - Teacher Counsellor Scheme.

Chris Flood


104 Mr. Flood asked the Minister for Education if she will sanction the appointment of a teacher counsellor for a school (details supplied) in Dublin 22 in view of the fact that this is urgently requested by the school's acting principal who receive on a daily basis visits from parents of students attending the school requesting counselling for their children to deal with home background problems which include alcoholism, drug abuse, physical and sexual abuse, bereavement, marital breakdown, bullying, crime and depression; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [6933/97]

I am not in a position at present to allocate additional teacher counsellor posts to primary schools. Under the current pilot phase of the teacher counsellor scheme, 27 teacher counsellor posts have been allocated to selected schools in the North inner city and Clondalkin areas of Dublin.

The role of the teacher counsellor is two-fold: to co-ordinate a whole-school approach to devising and implementing good practice and strategies that will help to prevent the occurrence of disruptive behaviour, and to teach and counsel small groups and individuals who exhibit persistent behavioural difficulties in the classroom.

The operation of the scheme is being closely monitored by my Department's inspectorate. The question of any further expansion of the scheme will be considered following a detailed review of the pilot phase and having regard to resource availability.

The needs of the school in question will be considered in the context of any expansion of the scheme which may be undertaken.

However, while disruptive behaviour in the classroom may be a symptom of the problems to which the Deputy refers, it is not the function of the teacher counsellor to become directly involved in addressing such matters where they relate to a pupil's home situation.
