Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 8 Apr 1997

Vol. 477 No. 2

Written Answers - Film Industry Development.

Ivor Callely


109 Mr. Callely asked the Minister for Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht the likely development of the Irish film and television production industry over the next five years; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [8884/97]

I refer the Deputy to the reply to today's Questions Nos. 23 and 30.

The integrated package of incentives which have been introduced by the Government to develop the Irish film and television production industry are in place until at least the year 1999. These measures provide the industry with the opportunity to build on progress and success to date, and to build a commercial and competitive approach and infrastructure.

The film industry is dependent on specialist skills, talent and creativity. Forward looking training measures are being implemented by the National Training Committee for Film and Television, based on a comprehensive analysis by STATCOM of the future needs of the industry. These courses will also address the need for business skills and competences to support the creative and technical know-how in the industry.

With the increase in the number of outlets for audiovisual production and with rapid technological advances, this is a key growth area and one in which we need to see the emergence of strong Irish companies. It is for all sides of the industry to avail of the opportunities presented by Government supports and developing market-place. Competitiveness will be central to a successful outcome.
It is my firm belief and conviction that the film and television production industry is a key area for employment growth with the potential for a continuing and sustained increase in employment levels in this country.