Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 14 Oct 1997

Vol. 481 No. 4

Written Answers. - Local Authority Housing.

Austin Deasy


52 Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for the Environment and Local Government if he will provide a considerable amount of money to ensure that town planning and the building of local authority housing estates, incorporate ample open spaces, play areas, playing pitches and recreational amenities for young and old, in view of the fact that there appears to have been serious omissions in this area over many years. [16316/97]

It is a matter for the planning authorities to set out policy in their development plans in relation to the location and regulation of development of different kinds and in relation to the provision of public open space and other such amenities in new housing areas. When deciding planning applications, a planning authority must have regard to the policies set out in the plan and may attach conditions to permissions requiring the provision of appropriate facilities. These are matters best left for decision at local level and I have no plans, therefore, to change existing arrangements.

The provision of open spaces and amenity areas in local authority housing schemes is a matter for the individual housing authorities in the first instance. Appropriate facilities of this kind in housing schemes are financed from my Department's capital allocations. Local authorities have been advised, in guidelines issued by the Department, that new housing should comprise smaller well-designed schemes, integrated as far as possible with housing and other development in the area and resulting in the creation of a good living environment for the residents, convenient to all important services and amenities.

Funding is available under my Department's remedial works scheme to assist local authorities in carrying out major structural works to certain substandard and pre-1940 dwellings, and rundown urban estates. Environmental works, such as the up-grading of existing amenity areas, may be included under such schemes where they are considered necessary to support works undertaken to the dwellings.
