Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 20 Nov 1997

Vol. 483 No. 2

Written Answers. - Hospital Insurance Premium.

Louis J. Belton


17 Mr. Belton asked the Minister for Health and Children his views on the substantial insurance premiums which Irish hospitals must pay; and whether he will have investigations made in this regard. [19821/97]

As Minister I am concerned at the substantial premiums being paid by health agencies to deliver a wide range of health services. To ensure that better value for money is obtained, the major public voluntary hospitals in Dublin have since the early 1990s come together and gone to the market jointly to obtain insurance on a competitive basis. Provision is made by this group to review all insurance premia on an ongoing basis.

In regard to the health system generally, it is my intention to ensure that all potential economies are pursued by the agencies. Insurance is one such obvious area and my Department will encourage those agencies which have not already done so to make such arrangements as are necessary to achieve real value for money in this area.
