Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 17 Dec 1997

Vol. 485 No. 3

Written Answers. - Munitions Dumping.

John Gormley


78 Mr. Gormley asked the Minister for Defence the amount and the type of munitions dumped by the Irish authorities in the Beaufort Dyke and elsewhere; and if the British Navy was ever involved in the dumping of Irish munitions. [19022/97]

In the period 1970 to 1985 a total of 1,159.7 tons of obsolete ammunition was disposed of at sea in the Beaufort Dyke. In the period 1986 to 1994 a total of 208 tons of such ammunition was disposed of in the North Atlantic. In 1970 the disposal was carried out by a British admiralty vessel. All disposals subsequent to this instance were carried out by the Naval Service.

The material consisted of small arms ammunitions, bombs, depth charges, fuses, primers, shells, 1,779 grenades, pyrotechnics etc.
