Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 10 Feb 1998

Vol. 486 No. 6

Written Answers. - Dublin Traffic Management.

Brendan Howlin


85 Mr. Howlin asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he will give details of proposals, if any, he has to sustain the Garda levels operated in Dublin under Operation Freeflow III to ensure good traffic management in the Dublin area; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [3203/98]

I am informed by the Garda authorities that, following on the success of Operation Freeflow III, a revised operational traffic control plan for the greater Dublin area, entitled Operation Clearway, is being implemented. This plan, which is being implemented within existing Garda resources, includes the policing of 16 key routes and traffic congestion blackspots in the Dublin Metropolitan Area. Motorcyclists from the Garda traffic unit, together with motorcyclists and foot patrols from the respective Garda divisions, are being utilised in the operation which will cover the period up to December 1998. All members of the force are required, of course, to enforce the road traffic laws as part of their general duties, quite apart from the implementation of any special campaigns.

The continuing campaign in Dublin will be reinforced by changes at chief superintendent level to ensure it has the necessary top level focus and direction.
