Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 24 Feb 1998

Vol. 487 No. 6

Written Answers - EU Child Protection Protocols.

Dan Neville


206 Mr. Neville asked the Minister for Health and Children if he will initiate the establishment of EU protocols for liaison and sharing of information between member states in the interest of protecting children. [4840/98]

There have been a number of developments at EU level to protect children under the "third pillar"— justice. In this context the Child Trafficking and Pornography Bill, 1997 will, inter alia, give effect to the EU joint action on trafficking in human beings and sexual exploitation of children, in so far as it applies to children. The joint action was negotiated during the Irish Presidency and adopted last year.

The Deputy will be aware that a formal protocol was signed with Northern Ireland in 1995 to provide for exchange of information about children at risk whose families move across the Border. In addition, arrangements are in place whereby health board personnel exchange information with their counterparts in social service departments in the UK concerning children at risk.