Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 1 Apr 1998

Vol. 489 No. 4

Written Answers. - School Staffing.

John Ellis


142 Mr. Ellis asked the Minister for Education and Science if his Department will give sanction to County Leitrim Vocational Educational Committee to appoint a secretary to Carrigallen vocational school, County Leitrim. [8267/98]

The allocation of clerical staff in the vocational education sector is made on a scheme wide basis and it is a matter for each vocational education committee to deploy sanctioned staff in the best manner possible to meet the needs of the committee and its schools. The Deputy will be aware that any case for an increase in staffing has to be approached in the context of Government policy on public service numbers.

An application for secretarial support for Carrigallen vocational school, County Leitrim, has been received from Leitrim VEC and is currently under consideration by my Department.
