Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 1 Apr 1998

Vol. 489 No. 4

Adjournment Debate Matters.

I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 21 and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputy Olivia Mitchell — the urgent matter of the reported Luas underground recommendation from the consultants, WS Atkins, and the implications of this recommendation for EU funding and the project; (2) Deputy Marian McGennis — the up-to-date position regarding the provision of independent counsel to represent rape victims at criminal trials; the legislative or other changes necessary to implement this measure; and the probable timescale; (3) Deputy Ring — the need for the Minister for Public Enterprise to confirm when funding will be sanctioned to upgrade the post office facilities at Ballinrobe, County Mayo; (4) Deputy Creed — the urgent need for a review of planning legislation to provide for a coherent regulation of retail shopping developments in the vicinity of large urban centres; (5) Deputy Shatter — the failure by environmental health officers to have samples taken from Midland Meats in Dundrum tested and analysed for salmonella and to provide an early warning system to the general public and advise the owners of the shop on how to minimise the risks; (6) Deputy Upton — that the Minister for Health and Children ensures a person (details supplied) is provided with suitable accommodation in the Central Mental Hospital, Dundrum and not returned to Mountjoy prison; (7) Deputies McGrath and Penrose — the need to amend section 34 of the Road Traffic (Public Service Vehicle) Regulations, 1963-1970, whereby persons applying for a public service vehicle licence must be available for at least 40 hours each week and the effect this is having on the availability of qualified part-time taxi drivers in provincial towns; and (8) Deputy Ulick Burke — the need to expedite the Government's decision in relation to the proposed acquisition by Coillte of the Balcas company and outline the requirements of the Mergers and Take-Overs (Control) Group and the position of the Competition Authority on the proposal.

The matters raised by Deputies Shatter, Upton, McGrath and Penrose and Marian McGennis have been selected for discussion.
