John Bruton
Ceist:29 Mr. J. Bruton asked the Minister for Finance if he will report on the discussions, if any, he has had with groups representing civil and public service unions regarding the Strategic Management Initiative. [9265/98]
Vol. 490 No. 2
29 Mr. J. Bruton asked the Minister for Finance if he will report on the discussions, if any, he has had with groups representing civil and public service unions regarding the Strategic Management Initiative. [9265/98]
There have been ongoing discussions between my Department and the Civil Service unions in relation to the strategic management initiative and related developments since its inception. The strategic management initiative is a standing item on the agenda for the monthly meetings of the general council of the Civil Service conciliation and arbitration scheme, which my Department chairs. In many Departments, it is also a standing item on the agenda of the departmental council, the local equivalent of the general council. The civil and public service unions, in addition to other interested groups, are represented also on the co-ordinating group which oversees the development and implementation of Delivering Better Government and advises the Government on progress.
Individual initiatives being pursued under the programme are also the subject of discussions. In the case of the proposed performance management system, there was extensive consultation with and participation by staff and their unions in the design and develpment process. The views of staff were sought through a sample survey and the unions participated directly in two project groups which were set up to help with the desigh of the system. Arrangements are now being made to involve the unions in consultations on the implementation of the system and other initiatives.
Discussions with staff and their unions are seen as an essential element in progressing the strategic management initiative. The need for staff and union involvement is stressed in the Delivering Better Government document. This will now be better facilitated by the participative arrangements being put in place under Partnership 2000 and which are designed to ensure joint involvement by management, unions and staff in development and implementing action programmes to progress the strategic management initiative. These arrangements have been agreed with the unions.