Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 6 May 1998

Vol. 490 No. 5

Written Answers. - Urban Renewal Scheme.

Proinsias De Rossa


40 Proinsias De Rossa asked the Minister for the Environment and Local Government the plans, if any, he has in relation to the urban renewal scheme to supplement tax incentives with a grants scheme as recommended in the consultants' study of the scheme, particularly in view of the fact that the reliance on tax incentives excludes not-for-profit groups and implicitly reduces the potential for community benefit; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10497/98]

The terms of the proposed urban renewal scheme as approved by the previous and present Governments do not provide for the payment of grants to secure urban renewal objectives. Generally, the new scheme will rely on targeted tax incentives within the context of integrated area plans drawn up by local authorities. However, there may be possibilities for local authorities to use funding available to them under the Urban and Village Renewal Sub-programme of the Operational Programme for Local Urban and Rural Development to fund or grant-aid projects which would support the objectives of integrated area plans. Similar possibilities apply to grants that are provided to local authorities, civic trusts and other conservation bodies to carry out conservation and restoration projects in urban centres under the same sub-programme. It is a matter for the local authorities to prioritise the projects to benefit from funding under the sub-programme.
